
Literatuur interculturele communicatie, competentie en diversiteit


  • Amnesty International 2008. Aanpak van discriminatie door Nederlandse gemeenten: 443 kansen voor verbetering. Amsterdam : Amnesty International.
  • Arends-Toth J, and Van de Vijver F. 2008. Family Relationships among Immigrants and Majority Members in the Netherlands: The Role of Acculturation. Applied Psychology 57(3):466.
  • Asante MK, and Miike Y. 2008. The global intercultural communication reader. New York, N.Y.: Routledge. 346 p. p.
  • Ascalon M, Schleicher D, and Born M. 2008. Cross-cultural social intelligence. Cross Cultural Management 15(2):109-130.
  • Backus, A. 2008. Data banks and corpora. In L. Wei and M. Moyer (Eds.), The Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Bilingualism and Multilingualism. Malden, MA: Blackwell, pp. 232-248.
  • Bassanini A, and Saint Martin A. 2008. The price of prejudice: Labour market discrimination on the grounds of gender and ethnicity. OECD, mimeo.
  • Beck, H. en G. Wiegers 2008. Moslims in een westerse samenleving : islam en ethiek. Zoetermeer : Meinema.
  • Bellaart, H. en J. Chrifi 2008. Kleurrijke inrichting : project interculturalisatie justitiële jeugdinrichtingen : “Een mens kan pas zichzelf zijn als hij in zijn eigenheid gekend wordt”. Utrecht : Forum.
  • Besemeres M, and Wierzbicka A. 2008. Translating Lives: Living with Two Languages and Cultures: Univ of Queensland Pr.
  • Beunderman, R. (red.) 2008. Interculturalisatie in de jeugd-GGz : wat speelt er? Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
  • Bezemer, J. and S. Kroon 2008. Teachers? practical knowlegde, standard language and multicultural classrooms. In M Martin-Jones, A.M. de Mejía, and N.H. Hornberger (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education, volume 3: Discourse and education. New York: Springer Science, Business Media LCC, pp. 225-236.
  • Bloemraad I. 2008. Becoming a Citizen: Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada. Social Forces 86(4).
  • Blokker, J., J. Blokker jr. en B. Blokker 2008. Nederland in twaalf moorden : niets zo veranderlijk als onze identiteit. Amsterdam: Contact, cop.
  • Bolt G, van Kempen R, and van Ham M. 2008. Minority Ethnic Groups in the Dutch Housing Market: Spatial Segregation, Relocation Dynamics and Housing Policy. Urban Studies 45(7):1359.
  • Branche J. 2008. Race, colonialism, and social transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
  • Broek, L. van den 2008. Regionale bevolkings-, allochtonen- en huishoudensprognose 2007-2025. Den Haag, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 2008.
  • Carling J. 2008. Toward a Demography of Immigrant Communities and Their Transnational Potential. International Migration Review 42(2):449-475.
  • Chaiklin H. 2008. The Future of Prejudice: Psychoanalysis and the Prevention of Prejudice. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 196(6):509.
  • Chand V. 2008. Denis Cunningham and Anikó Hatoss (eds): An International Perspective on Language Policies, Practices and Proficiencies, Festschrift for David E. Ingram. Language Policy 7(2):171-173.
  • Coenders M, Lubbers M, Scheepers P, and Verkuyten M. 2008. More than Two Decades of Changing Ethnic Attitudes in the Netherlands. Journal of Social Issues 64(2):269-285.
  • Coene G, and Longman C. 2008. Gendering the diversification of diversity: The Belgian hijab (in) question. Ethnicities 8(3):302.
  • Collins JL, Di Leonardo M, and Williams B. 2008. New landscapes of inequality : neoliberalism and the erosion of democracy in America. Santa Fe, N.M.: School for Advanced Research Press. xiv, 281 p. p.
  • Connor U. 2008. Interlingual and Intercultural Communication: Discourse and Cognition in Translation and Second Language Acquisition Studies. Juliane House and Shoshana Blum-Kulka (Eds.). Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1986. Pp. 292. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 11(03):337-338.
  • Coulson N. 2008. The State and the Individual in Islamic Law. International and Comparative Law Quarterly 6(01):49-60.
  • Crul, M. en J. Schneider 2008. Kinderen van Turkse immigranten in Duitsland en Nederland. De invloed van de verschillende routes in beroepsonderwijs en academisch onderwijs. Migrantenstudies, jrg. 24(2).
  • Dagevos, J. en M. Gijsbers 2008. Informatievoorziening integratie niet-westerse allochtonen : inventarisatie van de beschikbare bronnen en voorstellen voor verbetering. Den Haag : (SCP-special ;24).
  • Dagevos, J. 2008. Dubbele nationaliteit en integratie. Den Haag : Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.
  • D’Angelo R, and Douglas H. 2008. Taking sides : clashing views in race and ethnicity. Dubuque, Iowa: McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series, 376 p. p.
  • Duits, L. en R. Vliegenthart (red) 2008. Themanummer ‘Communicatie en de Multiculturele Samenleving’. Migrantenstudies, jrg. 24(1).
  • Elbert MM. 2008. Enterprising youth : social values and acculturation in nineteenth-century American children’s literature. New York: Routledge, 284 p. p.
  • Engelen, E. (red.) 2008. Themanummer ‘WRR rapport Identificatie met Nederland’. Migrantenstudies, jg 24, (3).
  • Esses VM, and Vernon R. 2008. Explaining the breakdown of ethnic relations : why neighbors kill. Malden, MA ; Oxford: Blackwell Pub. Ltd., 272 p. p.
  • Everett A. 2008. Learning race and ethnicity youth and digital media. The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation series on digital media and learning. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Extra, G. and D. Gorter (Eds.) 2008. Multilingual Europe: Facts and Policies. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Extra, K. Yagmur 2008. Mapping immigrant minority languages in multicultural cities. In M. Barni and G. Extra (Eds.), Mapping immigrant minority languages in multicultural contexts. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp139-162.
  • Extra, G. and K. Yagmur 2008. Imigrant minority languages in Europe: Cross-national and Cross-linguistic perspectives. In G. Extra and D. Gorter (Eds.), Multilingual Europe: Facts and Policies. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 315-336.
  • Extra, G. and K. Yagmur 2008. Immigrant minority languages in Europe: Crossnational and crosslinguistic perspectives. In G. Extra and D. Gorter (Eds.), Multilingual Europe: Facts and policies. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 315-336,
  • Barni, M. and G. Extra (Eds.) 2008. Mapping Linguistic Diversity in Multicultural Contexts. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Fernando S, and Keating F. 2008. Mental health in a multi-ethnic society : a multidisciplinary handbook. Hove ; New York: Routledge.
  • Gawronski B, Peters K, Brochu P, and Strack F. 2008. Understanding the Relations Between Different Forms of Racial Prejudice: A Cognitive Consistency Perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34(5):648.
  • Glaser J, and Knowles E. 2008. Implicit motivation to control prejudice. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44(1):164-172.
  • Griffin T. 2008. Effective Intercultural Communication. Effective Multicultural Teams: Theory and Practice.
  • Haan M, de and E. Elbers. 2008. Diversity in the Construction of Modes of Collaboration in Multiethnic Classrooms. The Transformation of Learning: Advances in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory.
  • Hawkins R, and Towell R. 2008. Second language acquisition research and the second language acquisition of French. Journal of French Language Studies 2(01):97-121.
  • Hodge D, and A. Nadir. 2008. Moving toward Culturally Competent Practice with Muslims: Modifying Cognitive Therapy with Islamic Tenets. Social Work 53(1):31-41.
  • Holtmaat, R. 2008. De zaak Albayrak & Aboutaleb tegen Wilders & Half Nederland : een duidelijk geval van discriminatie, maar niet strijdig met artikel 1 Gw. In: Nederlandsch Juristenblad : weekblad behoorende bij de Nederlandsche jurisprudentie,vol. 82,(19), pp. 1152-1158.
  • Huis, M van 2008. Partnerkeuze allochtonen .In: Demos : bulletin over bevolking en samenleving. vol. 24(1) p. 1-4.
  • Jennissen, R. 2008. Van school- naar beklaagdenbank : voortijdig schoolverlaten en criminaliteit onder autochtonen en niet-westerse allochtonen. In: Demos : bulletin over bevolking en samenleving.vol. 24(7), pp. 5-8.
  • Jennissen, R. en K. Oudhof 2008. De arbeidsmarktpositie van niet-westerse immigratie cohorten in de eerste jaren van verblijf in Nederland. Migrantenstudies, jrg. 24 (4).
  • Johnstone M, and O. Kanitsaki. 2008. Cultural racism, language prejudice and discrimination in hospital contexts: an Australian study. Diversity in Health and Social Care 5(1):19-30.
  • Koning, M. 2008. Zoeken naar een ‘zuivere’ islam : geloofsbeleving en identiteitsvorming van jonge Marokkaans-Nederlandse moslims. Amsterdam : Bakker.
  • Korteweg A. 2008. Islam, gender, and immigrant integration: boundary drawing in discourses on honour killing in the Netherlands and Germany. Ethnic and Racial Studies (1):1-21.
  • Kundnani A. 2008. Islamism and the roots of liberal rage. Race and Class 50(2):40.
  • Kurvers, J., R. van Hout and T. Vallen 2008. Print awareness of adult illiterates: a comparison with young prereaders and low-educated adult readers. Reading and writing – an interdisciplinary journal, 1-25.
  • Lancee B. en J. Dronkers 2008. Etnische diversiteit, sociaal vertrouwen in de buurt en contact van allochtonen en autochtonen met de buren. Migrantenstudies, jrg. 24(4).
  • Lee R. 2008. Tunisian intellectuals: responses to Islamism. The Journal of North African Studies 13(2):157-173.
  • Lemhofer K, T. Dijkstra, H. Schriefers, R. Baayen, J. Grainger and Zwitserlood P. 2008. Native Language Influences on Word Recognition in a Second Language: A Megastudy. Journal Of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory And Cognition 34(1):12.
  • Levels, M., G. Kraaykamp en J. Dronkers 2008. Leesvaardigheid van allochtone leerlingen in Westerse landen. Een vergelijkende studie met macrohypothesen. Migrantenstudies, jrg. 24(2).
  • Lindert A, Te, H. Korzilius, F. Van de Vijver, S. Kroon S and J. Arends-Tóth. 2008. Perceived discrimination and acculturation among Iranian refugees in the Netherlands. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 32(6):578-588.
  • Lowndes JE, Novkov J, and Warren D. 2008. Race and American political development. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Lucas SR. 2008. Theorizing discrimination in an era of contested prejudice : discrimination in the United States. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 285 p. p.
  • Melby K, Wetterberg CC, and Ravn A-B. 2008. Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia : the limits of political ambition? Bristol, UK: Policy. 244 p. p.
  • Mitchem SY, and Townes EM. 2008. Faith, health, and healing in African American life. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. 207 p. p.
  • Mohebbi, G. 2008. Allochtonia en autochtonia : twee werelden apart : jeugd over etnische identiteit, discriminatie en vriendschap. Zoetermeer : Uitgeverij Betelgeuze.
  • Muzychenko O. 2008. Competence-based approach to teaching international opportunity identification: cross-cultural aspects. European J of International Management 2(4):418-436.
  • Nap-Kolhoff, E.M., T.M.M.L. van Schilt-Mol and T. Vallen 2008. VVE-catalogus: Handreiking voor een verantwoorde keuze en uitvoering van programma’s voor voor-en vroegschoolse educatie. Amsterdam: Aksant.
  • Neuliep JW. 2008. Intercultural communication : a contextual approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 400 p. p.
  • Options A, and Latest T. 2008. Applied Cultural Linguistics: Implications for second language learning and intercultural communication. Pragmatics and Cognition 16(1):197-202.
  • Park Y, and Kim B. 2008. Asian and European American Cultural Values and Communication Styles Among Asian American and European American College Students. Cultural Diversity And Ethnic Minority Psychology 14(1):47.
  • Pels, T., Gruijter, M. de & Lahri, F. 2008 Jongeren en hun islam. Jongeren over hun ondersteuning als moslim in Nederland. Utrecht: Verwey-Jonker Instituut/FORUM.
  • Pels, T. 2008. De pedagogische omgeving van nieuwe Nederlanders. In: I. Weijers & Ch. Eliaerts (red.) Jeugdcriminologie. Achtergronden van Jeugdcriminaliteit, pp. 315-337. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
  • Petropoulos JCB. 2008. Greek magic : ancient, medieval and modern. London ; New York: Routledge. 196 p. p.
  • Pettigrew T, Christ O, Wagner U, Meertens R, van Dick R, and Zick A. 2008. Relative Deprivation and Intergroup Prejudice. Journal of Social Issues 64(2):385-401.
  • Qureshi A, Collazos F, Ramos M, and Casas M. 2008. Cultural competency training in psychiatry. European Psychiatry 23:49-58.
  • Rael P. 2008. African-American activism before the Civil War : the freedom struggle in the antebellum North. New York: Routledge. 307 p. p.
  • Schaafsma J. 2008. Interethnic relations at work: Examining ethnic minority and majority members’ experiences in The Netherlands. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, vol. 32, pp. 453-465.
  • Schermer, K. 2008. Interculturele samenwerking en communicatie. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff.
  • Schouten B. 2008. Compliance behavior and the role of ethnic background, source expertise, self-construals and values. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32, pp. 515-523.
  • Shadid, W. 2008. Inclusiebeleid: de vergeten dimensie van het integratieproces. Openbaar Bestuur, 18(11), 2-7.
  • Shadid, W.2008. De multiculturele samenleving in crisis. Gigaboek, Heerhugowaard.
  • Shadid, W. en P.S. van Koningsveld 2008. Islam in Nederland en België. Religieuze institutionalisering in twee landen met een gemeenschappelijke voorgeschiedenis. Peeters, Leuven.
  • Sibley C, and Duckitt J. 2008. Personality and Prejudice: A Meta-Analysis and Theoretical Review. Personality and Social Psychology Review 12(3):248.
  • Smets P, and den Uyl M. 2008. The Complex Role of Ethnicity in Urban Mixing: A Study of Two Deprived Neighbourhoods in Amsterdam. Urban Studies 45(7):1439.
  • Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau 2008. Minderheden meer gewicht : over overgewicht bij turken, Marokkanen, surinamers en Antillianenen en het belang van integratiefactoren. Den Haag: SCP.
  • Spotti M. 2008. Exploring the construction of immigrant minority pupils’ identities in a Flemish primary classroom. Linguistics and Education 19(1):20-36.
  • Stephan W. 2008. Viewing Intergroup Relations in Europe through Allport’s Lens Model of Prejudice. Journal of Social Issues 64(2):417-429.
  • Stevens G, and Vollebergh W. 2008. Mental health in migrant children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 49(3):276-294.
  • Stevens P. 2008. Exploring pupils’ perceptions of teacher racism in their context: A case study of Turkish and Belgian vocational education pupils in a Belgian school. British Journal of Sociology of Education 29(2):175-187.
  • Svensson, J., I. Michalowski en M. Seveker 2008. Ervaringen met de indicatorenmethodiek in een vergelijkende evaluatie van lokaal integratebeleid. Migrantenstudies, jrg 24 (4).
  • Turner R, Hewstone M, Voci A, and Vonofakou C. 2008. A test of the extended intergroup contact hypothesis: the mediating role of intergroup anxiety, perceived ingroup and outgroup norms, and inclusion of the outgroup in the self. J Pers Soc Psychol 95(4):843-860.
  • Uitermark J, and Duyvendak J. 2008. Citizen Participation in a Mediated Age: Neighbourhood Governance in The Netherlands. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 32(1):114-134.
  • Utsey S, Ponterotto J, and Porter J. 2008. Prejudice and Racism, Year 2008—Still Going Strong: Research on Reducing Prejudice With Recommended Methodological Advances. Journal of Counseling and Development 86(3):339-347.
  • Vala J. 2008. Is the attribution of cultural differences to minorities an expression of racial prejudice? International Journal of Psychology (1):1-10.
  • Verkuyten M, and Reijerse A. 2008. Intergroup structure and identity management among ethnic minority and majority groups: the interactive effects of perceived stability, legitimacy, and permeability. European Journal Of Social Psychology 38(1):106.
  • Verkuyten M, and Slooter L. 2008. Muslim and Non-Muslim Adolescents’ Reasoning About Freedom of Speech and Minority Rights. Child Development 79(3):514-528.
  • Verschueren J. 2008. Intercultural Communication and the Challenges of Migration. Language and Intercultural Communication 8(1):21-35.
  • Verspoor M, and Cremer M. 2008. Research on foreign-language teaching and learning in the Netherlands (2002–2006). Language Teaching 41(02):183-211.
  • Verspoor M, Lowie W, And Van Dijk M. 2008. Variability in Second Language Development From a Dynamic Systems Perspective. The Modern Language Journal 92(2):214-231.
  • Vervoort, M., R. Scholte en P. Schepers 2008. Allochtonen in de klas; de relatie tussen de proportie allochtonen in de klas, vriendschappen en interetnische attitudes van adolescenten.Migrantenstudies, jrg. 24(2).
  • Wagner U, Christ O, and Pettigrew T. 2008. Prejudice and Group-Related Behavior in Germany. Journal of Social Issues 64(2):403-416.
  • Walker B. 2008. The history of immigration and racism in Canada : essential readings. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press. 305 p. p.
  • Weir D. 2008. Cultural theory and the Diwan. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences 21(3):253-265.
  • Wissink I, Dekovic M, Yagmur S, Stams G, and de Haan M. 2008. Ethnic identity, externalizing problem behaviour and the mediating role of self-esteem among Dutch, Turkish-Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch adolescents. Journal of Adolescence 31(2):223-240.
  • Zick A, Pettigrew T, and Wagner U. 2008. Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination in Europe. Journal of Social Issues 64(2):233-251.